Air Duct Cleaning Before & After Photos
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Ventilation fixed by duct cleaning - Ellsworth, IA
It was a very old farmhouse with high humidity levels (without A/C) and without proper ventilation. Our duo, Theo and Brandon were able to deliver their professional duct cleaning expertise which made the ventilation better than before.
Duct Cleaning - Ellsworth, IA
This is a very old farm house that needed cleaning help. One challenge the team saw is to move one recliner that the homeowner's daughter sits in. The is no A/C or air-conditioning in the house, they were concerned about mold formation due to moisture as there is super high humidity in the house. As a start, they went with a dehumidifier. It's possible that the vents may have mold in them so doing disinfectant was suggested and they a greed. In reality, it was not a very tidy house so the team was prepared with all the dust and dirt they needed to remove. It was a success!
Duct Cleaning - Ames, IA
The client's duct cleaning vents are from an older home, he had already made a couple of remodels, and seems that the ducts were not maintained properly. Customer was satisfied with the cleaning.
Dirty Ducts - Ames, IA
Duct cleaning vents were for an older home so it was a bit of a challenge. The client's son was going to stay with some friends throughout college so they wanted to make sure they have healthier indoor air. This was a successful cleanup and they were all very happy with the outcome.
Duct Cleaning - Cumming, IA
This was a farmhouse that had no duct cleaning maintenance every since it was built. It's a white barn with lots of vents so the dust bunnies were screaming for their life. The homeowner is timid but somewhat approachable. The team didn't have a hard time cleaning and promised amazing results. Disinfectant was added for better cleanse.